I've added some more snaps of today:
Mia's Halloween Album
Auntie M's Spooktacular Party (very short):
Fall Festival:
Sydney and Mia hanging around
Then off to a Mom's group Halloween party in Round Rock. There were oodles of kids all dressed up. A few mama's did, too. There was a Princess Leia with her little Yoda, Jodie was a devil woman and her little Cole, a pirate. Mari's Miranda was a turtle...the cutest thing ever because she's still crawling. She tried to attack Samantha the peacock, and Sam's little bro, Jack...Mickey Mouse, didn't care...he's 5 months old :) Melanie's little Damon was a super cute puppy. Mia kept saying 'Damon, Damon, Damon....puppy!' Jen's Ignacio was a little tiger, and there were ladybugs, fairies, pumpkins.... Mia had a lot of fun playing with her big kid friends. They all don't seem to care for the babies that much. We ate some yummy food and then came home for naptime. I hope Mia gets up soon, we have another party to hit at Auntie M and Gwen's pad :)
Turtle Miranda attacking Peacock Samantha!
Mia got up around 2:30...well, I nudged her up. She was not a fan of that until I told her we were going to see her Auntie M and Gwen. That perked her up. Back into her beeba outfit and we were out the door. We had a blast! We saw old and new friends, and all the kids looked so cute! I was still the bunny...ears and tail (Mia loved the tail). You know, I thought me being dressed up like an animal might have confused her, but no. It was like ' of course my mama is a bunny'. It didn't faze her at all. Here's the low down on the costume situation: Auntie M was a beautiful Gypsy, Gwen was the sweetest little fairy. Stephanie's older boy, Roarke, was a cowboy, and her little Cole was a horse. Too cute! Anjalika was a devil and her little Anika was the cutest little witch, Ashley's 5 1/2 month old Michael was The Flash :) Gabriel's Kanai was a chameleon, Karen's Alaira was a ballerina, Elsa's Connor was a football player and Amy's Cassidy was a doctor.
Melissa had great snacks and the funnest activities. There was a pumpkin hunt...just like an Easter egg hunt but switch the eggs for little pumpkins. Mia LOVED finding them, and Roarke enjoyed piling them into a wagon and pulling them around. Melissa read some great Halloween books...with Mia on her lap of course. She just backs her butt up to a lap and plops down. There were trick-or-treat bags to decorate with stickers and crayons. There were oodles of balls and toys around the yard. The swing was a big hit. It really was perfect. The weather couldn't have been better, and everyone had a wonderful time.
A little bee landed on Mia's pumpkin muffin which Mia was enthralled with. Another lesson of 'look with your eyes and don't touch'. He finally buzzed off, but Mia then thought a blueberry from her other muffin was a bee :)
Mia's little bee
Here's a link to more pics:
Mia tucking in her poodle dog when she was 14 months old
Mia jumps:
Mia plays:
When Daryl and I first started dating...just over 3 1/2 years ago, we had a double date with Tom and Dee at The Oasis. The Eggmen were playing and we had a good 'ole time. Tonight, the Eggmen were at the Oasis, so we all took advantage of the wonderful weather and met out there for dinner, but this time we had a Snapper along, too!
hangin' with her Nana
Mia was hungry so she was mellow. After her quesadilla, she was ready to cut a rug! She had a great time spinning and stomping her feet. The whole atmosphere was so different, but she really took to it. The only time she sat in her highchair was when the band was on break. She was everywhere, saying hi to everyone, and just having a blast. She danced a little with her Paw Paw, Nana, Dada and Me, but when she could...she was out there doing her thing all by herself.
Dancin' with her Dada
There was this little boy, Nathaniel, who enjoyed dancing just as much as Mia, and he really wanted to dance with her. He kept going up to her with a big smile on his face, and his hands out to her...DENIED! She wouldn't have anything to do with him, but after a few tries, he wore her down and they danced, hand in hand for a few seconds then she was off on her own again. He was born Jan 1st...19 days before Mia. It was too cute to watch.
Snapper cuttin a rug with her Paw Paw
Our camera ran out of juice right after we got there, so I didn't get many shots or much video, but Dee and Tom got a lot, and will be sharing when they can. They are off to Europe tomorrow and have to get up at 5:30am, so I'm sure getting the pics and footage to me isn't way up there on their list. I will post their stuff as soon as I get it :)
taking a break
We all had such a lovely time. The weather was as perfect as the sunset. I only wish they played some slower songs so I could get a slow dance in with my husband ;)
When we got there, it was nice and calm, but towards the end, there wasn't any room on the dance floor!
The sound on the video is horrible, but the music in person was perfect:
Then we lunched and shopped. Now, the Snapper and her Ita (another name change. Guelita will now be known as 'Ita'... that's what Mia calls her) are taking their siestas and I must get to work.
the swimmer has left the building
Mia got some new super cute green clogs that she calls boots. The girl likes her shoes.
Green shoes:
Swim class (Warning: It's mighty long):
Dancing with Mama
Mia up close and personal
She sings a little: