Ahhh another fun day at Casa T! Yesterday, Mia hung with her friends and Ms. Andrea :) They went on a nature walk (notice the hand holding shot below...Ms. Andrea is strict about the buddy system) and gathered somethings for their nature book that I keep hearing so much about. They ate some nuts that they toasted and even made their own nut butter! Mia loves helping out at home...she takes her plate and stuff to the sink, throws her yucky diapers away, cleans up after herself...so folding and putting away the napkins at Casa T is right up her alley! Andrea has even created a little song that Mia kind of knows by heart.
Corner to corner
Smooth it out
Then fold it over
Smooth it out
This is the way we fold
Mia's already helping with sorting the laundry...I'm sure she'd love to help fold towels :) Also, Mia started wearing her unders at school. Dry for an hour. This past week, Mia's been singing La Araña Pequeñita (The Isty Bitsy Spider)
La araña pequeñita subió, subió, subió,
Vino la lluvia y se la llevó.
Salió el sol y todo lo secó.
Corner to corner
Smooth it out
Then fold it over
Smooth it out
This is the way we fold
Mia's already helping with sorting the laundry...I'm sure she'd love to help fold towels :) Also, Mia started wearing her unders at school. Dry for an hour. This past week, Mia's been singing La Araña Pequeñita (The Isty Bitsy Spider)
La araña pequeñita subió, subió, subió,
Vino la lluvia y se la llevó.
Salió el sol y todo lo secó.
Y la araña pequeñita subió, subió, subió.

I LOVE this shot of Sophia tasting the nut butter

to see what I was up to on my day off, hop on over to my blog.
awwww...I just love play time. so sweet.
That first picture is my favorite, how precious!
Making their own nut butter - how awesome! Last evening I heard Nadia singing a song I didn't teach her...weird feeling, huh?
That first shot kicks butt.
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