soy beans - good
large amounts of concentrated soy - not good
the ONLY time i drink/use soymilk is in my daily much needed chai. i figured that out of all the other 'milks' out there that almond milk may be the one to replace my beloved Silk Vanilla Soymilk with added fiber or Omega-3's... i alternate boxes.
so today was my first try. let's say my ONLY try. it was fucking disgusting!
so today was my first try. let's say my ONLY try. it was fucking disgusting!
giving up 1 cup of soymilk a day, yeah that's not gonna happen!
Screw it! 1 cup of soy milk a day is what is called moderation!
yeah, i'm trying to get off dairy and am testing alternatives as well. oat milk is my first option and i am at this moment attempting to choke it down and convince myself it't not that bad.
I love almond milk!
I forgot to mention that it's encouraged to change things up a bit. Drinking/eating the same thing everyday is not good for our system. Rotation of 3 or so days is ideal!
I am with ya sistah, bleck!
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