Andrea lovingly cooked up some fideo con pollito for us, Anjalika made this super tasty salad. Over lunch, I let it out that I'd never had Indian food's just never come up in restaurant choices. What would I even order?!?! Then later, we talked about the Festival of Indian festival. While I'm very open to other cultures, I honestly haven't been exposed to many. That's gonna change, cuz Anjalika and Anika are planning to host an Indian themed playdate :) Yay! It just never occured to her that we'd be interested in's her culture, just like my Latin :) culture...we don't know other people would be intrigued or thing it was special.
A Month of Reflection
2 weeks ago
Great pics!!
Regarless of what culture/heritage we come from, there's a universal law for how toddlers clean their mocos!
I can't wait to experience some of Anjalika's culture. I'm all about multiculturalism. =)
Looks like it was a beautiful afternoon. I might just have to throw a Hanukkah party next year so we can keep the multiculturalism going!
Multiculturalism....YAY! No Indian food ever? You are missing out girlfriend! Colton loves indian curry!
What a lovely was such a fabulous day, I didn't lose my temper even once all day=) The pics are so great as always..I love Anika's gold digging,sheesh..
I better stop being a lazy bitch and find an Indian themed playdate pronto..before the month is out on a tuesday..tick tock tick tock..
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