On Tuesdays, Mia gets out of school at 3:30, but doesn't have swim class until 5...in the same area. So, every Tuesday when I pick her up from school she asks what kind of 'adbenture' we're gonna have. This day, we drove around until we happened upon some wildflowers. An hour was easily lost by exploring all the different types, shapes, colors.... When we got home after swimming, we sat together and Googled Central Texas Wildflowers and found the names to several. Mia's favorite one was the most prolific...they looked like daisies but were bright yellow and orangish-red....we discovered they're called Indian Blankets. She didn't pick any of those b/c they were also the faves of several bees.
A gorgeous girl, a field full of vibrant flowers, and a camera - it really is like a dream come true. As lovely as the pictures are, I'm betting the memories are even better!
Vibrant. I love those pics!
A gorgeous girl, a field full of vibrant flowers, and a camera - it really is like a dream come true. As lovely as the pictures are, I'm betting the memories are even better!
I love, LOVE these photos! You know, if ever you need to kill time you can always come over here for a bit.
Ummm...Google is me, Stephanie. Oops.
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