Mia was playing with some of my jewelry, and while doing so, a hook came off an earring. This super cool earring was made for our Cinco de Mayo party last year by a super creative and crafty friend Jasmine. It was so not a big deal, I could fix it in a flash...but Mia wanted to 'do it'. She sat there and very painstakingly tried and tried...I felt so bad for her. Those little fingers working so hard, but the hook just wouldn't get back on. I hated to say this, but out came, 'hey Mia, let mama have a try'....just then she exclaimed with GLEE....'I GOT IIIIITTTTT!'. And she did, beaming with pride. Just one more example of why I should just sit back and let her 'do it'.

hop over to Tracey's for more Best Shots
Oh, I love the look of concentration too. It is REALLY hard to sit back and let them do it, especially when you know you can fix it in a flash.
Such concentration! And good for you for letting her do it...such patience you have!
Isn't it amazing what our children teach us while we sit there thinking we are the smart ones?! Terrific shots!
What a sweet, sweet story! And don't we need reminders to "let them do it?" So often, I overstep my bounds as the mommy (teacher, friend, wife). I think number two is my favorite of this series!
It is so difficult for me to let Ella do things like that. I am like you and I should just sit back and watch. Its how they learn....But I would sit there with a knot in my chest just dying to do it myself (unless of course I was taking pictures like this, then I would enjoy it). These are the best series of pictures though. When they do things with thier little hands like that! :o)
Very cool! I think it's wonderful when toddlers get that intent expression and drive to do something they know is difficult. She did an excellent job and I'm glad she didn't give up either. :) That's the important part.
That is so very cute! Those little ones are so proud of themselves when they do for themselves...we just need a bit of patience to let them. It's hard, I know!
What a great reminder to let them figure things out on there own! How proud she must have been. What a great little worker bee. :) Gorgeous earring, too!
Good for you - it's hard to just sit there and not help, but so worth it in the end. You did a great job capturing it all, though. (Plus, if your hands are busy with the camera...)
I'll bet she was so proud of herself! She must have the gifts of patience and dexterity. I love her look of concentration in no. 5.
It is that "i do it" attitude that I marvel at and drives me crazy at the same time! I love the concentration shot!
I have these moments as an adult...when something is hard for me, and I want so much to just do it myself. I felt my own face crinkle with concentration as I watched your series of photos...wondering if she was gonna get it or not. How patient you are! Bless you for that! :)
Precious photos and such great earrings!
I love how her nailpolish matches the teal bead! :) Great job mommy!
I love this... it brought tears to my eyes because I remember doing this with my daughter. Now she likes to 'fly alone' - or create her own designs without mama's help. Awww... the teenage years arrive too quick. ENJOY THESE DAYS! I am loving your blog. You are totally inspiring and I can't wait to stop back on another day.
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