
Gotta keep 'em separated (remember Offspring?)

We went over to Suzy's for a little visit yesterday, and Livie very graciously handed down her musical chair (and some super cute clothes) to Mia. Well, Mia LOVES it. When Mia grows out of her clothes, we pass them on to a friend who has twin girls about 2 sizes smaller than Mia. Isn't friendship & recycling wonderful?

Here's a pic of Mia enjoying some milk on her new throne. In the background, is Niles enjoying a stretch in his new digs. Since the mishap last week, Mia and Niles don't have access to each other any more. Ever. They take turns enjoying each area, and Niles gets the run of the house when Mia is sleeping. It's a great solution to a rough problem.

Speaking of canines, Mia's had a rough couple of days due to a pesky canine (tooth) that's trying to bore it's way out of her oh so swollen gums. This is a whole new kinda teething. Tylenol & Motrin have given her some relief, but we sure do miss our little miss sunshine :)

We're going to visit Mia's Grandma, Grandpa & Memaw tomorrow...come back to hear all about the fun!

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