
What's up?

Well, Lily is a month and a half old! Time flies when you're trying to figure out all the changes a new baby brings. She had a week there of pain and spitting up...colic? reflux? We've narrowed it down to lactose intolerance...maybe. She proudly holds her head up and is all smiles. She coos a LOT and is pretty mellow. She'll cry in the car if we are NOT moving and is sometimes comforted by hiphop...but never anything else. She sometimes takes a paci...that's nice.

Mia is almost an adult, or so it seems. Daryl and I frequently talk about how mature she is, but we need to remember that she's only 3.5 yrs old. She's a little little little kid. Smart, kind, funny, empathetic..well unless she's ripping out a paci from a sleeping baby sister's mouth....which makes Lily scream as Mia sits there. Content. Paci in mouth and sucking it like that Simpson baby...can't remember and don't care.

WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!! How cool is that?!?!? It's in a super fab neighborhood and it's pretty much perfect for us. We don't have to move in till the end of July, so we have a while to get things in order. Painting. is done....the living room used to be PEACH! Flooring will be done next weekend...or so Daryl promises. It's been fun picking out colors and stuff...watching it go from house to our home. Finally done renting white walled apts and houses....we've got lots of color going on!

Along with these pics that Mia took with my p&s, I'll leave you with a Mia-ism:

Mama: ohhh Mia, love your owl jammies (wayyyy too small..they're over a year old)

Mia: Thanks. They're new. I got them in Africa.


Mamí♥Picture said...

Great Shots!
They are Beautiful Girls!
♥~•*☼♥♫¨*•.Have a Lovely Day!.•*¨♫♥☼*•~♥
your new follower,
Here are my blogs in case you want to visit, :)

Stacy said...

Congratulations on your new house...very exciting!

Glad you figured out the reflux problem. That is never fun (speaking from experience with a colicy baby!). LOL about Mia and pulling out the paci...it's just the first step in irritating her sibling! ;)

Christina said...

There sure is a lot going on in your neck of the woods! a lot of GOOD stuff. Can't wait to see the house.

anja said...

I love her response. they're new I got them from Africa!!

I can't wait to see the home..I'm sure its going to be beautiful, very exciting to be in your own home. Congratulations=)

Lady, with all the stuff you have going on you are totally amazing, a picture of equanimity and beauty...your energy and positivity are incredible. Love you.

Stephanie said...

I can't wait to see your new home. Is it weird that my daughter has seen it but I haven't?? LOL!

Just wait as the years roll on and see how the girls purposely irritate one another. I think you've seen a little of what you're in store for when we come visit. ;)

Love you!

Andrea said...

Hehehehehe!! LOVE Mia. You'll have to check the Terra Luz blog for a snippet from KA's clipboard. Along the same lines too.

I cannot wait to see your new casita too!