
mi tia

i got my period yesterday! i know we're 'not preventing', but i was pretty happy to get it, cuz it means feeling normal is right around the corner. it's like along with the yucky stuff, it releases all my sadness, irrationality, rage, major insecurities, lethargy, conspiracy theories, and my just plain sour mood.

so, while i'm not knocked up, i did my hair today...that says something :)

The Princess Angel and her Daddy Charming

The Princess Angel and her Daddy Charming

First Daddy Charming helped his Princess Angel with her pink crystal heart slippers....then to stand up.

well, she NEEDED a pony!

ahhhh happiness....for both princess and trusty steed

what you don't see her is the FALL. The trusty steed got a playful, and somehow, the angel princess FLIPPED over his shoulder...onto her left eyebrow (how's that for precise..the bumps always tell). The princess cried big fat princess tears and her steed was scrambling for anything to help..M&M? Hug?

no M&M or hug would do...the steed was dressed up!

fluffy tiara, pink fringe and all!

His little angel was happy and that's all that mattered to him.

I LOVE this man!!!!

Ride on over to Shutter Sisters for more
Love Thursday

there's more fashionable dressing up at The Land of K.A. with Theme Thursday

Theme Thursdays


rain, rain go away

5 Minutes for Special Needs

more Wordless Wednesday shots HERE

more Special Exposure Wednesday HERE


sad vs. happy

for the last weekish, i've been feeling blue. not up to much. not returning phone calls. in my cave. pretty sure it's hormonal. the pmdd monster was at my door last week. this week, he's sitting on my sofa. this morning, i cried at a playdate. who the hell cries at a freakin playdate? it was a super fab one at that...faux camp out..with a tent and everything...grilled hot dogs and smores made with the love of the sun. i was sitting on my friends kitchen floor. crying.

i just found out that my scarab tat symbolizes good luck and happiness. hellooooo i have happiness tattooed to my BODY!!!! my dear friends were so compassionate, and Mia is so lovely and easy today. my husband is super sweet and will shift his pool night, if needed so i can go to drum class. my food consumption today included smores, hot dogs, watermelon and a corn dog. oh, try explaining what a corn dog is to a 2 1/2 year old...that'll make ya smile. 'but that is NOT corn, mama'.

what's funny...kinda...is that i've had a freakin rough summer so far, and i haven't cried. at all. i've even TRIED to cry. nothing. until i'm sitting on the kitchen floor of a playdate. for a silly reason. i cried. i wanted to let it loose and bawl like a baby...but i'll save that for my husband. for some reason he likes when i cry....he says i always feel better, he feels like he can actually comforting, and my eyes turn a gorgeous shade of bright blue :) so, the lil waterworks at the playdate this morning did in fact release a lot of crap...

i feel better....kind of happy :)

Muffin Tin Monday

A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled on to a site that featured Muffin Tin Monday's. The premise behind it is to make food fun for kids and to get them to try new things. I totally missed last weeks MTM, but I was all over it yesterday. We had some friends over, so I made enough for all of them. The two sweet brothers had to share...not enough space.

I labeled each of their rows with their initials.
This week I served up: yellow carrots, kiwi, colby jack cheese, avocado, cottage cheese, and peas.
before her friends even got here, Mia was into her tin cups :)

I separated hers from the rest b/c she had her eye on some more cheese

Layla wasn't too sure about it all, but thought it was a great idea

her first choice was the cottage cheese

very proudly 'all gone'

Sadly, no one else got to participate in MTM....except Niles! *I almost forgot to add that lil Townsend was a lil disappointed he didn't get his avocado cupcake...how sweet is that?!?!*

some other fun shots of the day

Layla was feeling quite musical with the guitar

and the djembe Cole expresses his love for Elmo


Rattletree Trance ~ BSM

This evening, we had the pleasure of hanging with friends out at the Central Market patio. Rattletree Marimba played their high-energy dance and trance music ...that's why we were there. Mia had her dancin dress on but preferred to play on the playscape or sit in my lap tapping her foot and swaying to the music. I did get a sweet little shot of her pal, Ava. Many were up and dancing, but I was captivated by this beautiful woman...who had such a joy for the music and dancing...she went around asking the little kids to dance with her... a couple did, but in the end, she was blissed out and in the Rattletree trance.

my best shot

for more joy head on over to Mother May I

new through old

I've been having some fun photographic lately...today, I brought out my old KS-6 and tried my hand at some TtV shots. It was fun, and I kind of dig the results.

my friends, my family

It's pretty much a known fact that I have a photography addiction. Our fabulous friend and brilliant photographer, Bonnie has enabled me once again! First it was this beautiful 24x36 canvas of our little family that's hung over our fireplace with care. I wrote a little bit about the day Bonnie delivered it here.

Yesterday, she did it again with these two 16x24 canvases of Daryl and me. We've moved the turtle (my belly cast), and hung these gorgeous canvases directly over out bed. Daryl LOVES them and didn't make the money face even once. Mia totally digs them. She sits there and points back and forth saying 'daddy mama daddy mama mama daddy' as fast as she can until she jumps into our arms and says 'daddy, mama, my friends, my family'.

Thanks Bonnie, we LOVE you!


A note to my Comadre in Seattle

She's just fine. We had a super fun time. She didn't even cry when Mike left...he did sneak out, but when she realized he wasn't there, she was a-ok. We read books, played with blocks (I had no idea Sophia LOVES to knock them down with her nose!), drummed, went to a playdate (it was so cute having both girls in the back seat...they just chatted and chatted. She had her puppy and blanket, too), and ate 1/2 a banana and a PB&J for lunch. Mia and I left her with her happy daddy who had BIG plans for the weekend.

pues, look at the silly gang she hung out with this morning

here are some more shots of your hija preciosa...just for joo.
