i just found out that my scarab tat symbolizes good luck and happiness. hellooooo i have happiness tattooed to my BODY!!!! my dear friends were so compassionate, and Mia is so lovely and easy today. my husband is super sweet and will shift his pool night, if needed so i can go to drum class. my food consumption today included smores, hot dogs, watermelon and a corn dog. oh, try explaining what a corn dog is to a 2 1/2 year old...that'll make ya smile. 'but that is NOT corn, mama'.
what's funny...kinda...is that i've had a freakin rough summer so far, and i haven't cried. at all. i've even TRIED to cry. nothing. until i'm sitting on the kitchen floor of a playdate. for a silly reason. i cried. i wanted to let it loose and bawl like a baby...but i'll save that for my husband. for some reason he likes when i cry....he says i always feel better, he feels like he can actually comforting, and my eyes turn a gorgeous shade of bright blue :) so, the lil waterworks at the playdate this morning did in fact release a lot of crap...

I am sorry to see that you had a hard day today, but I am so glad you had the mamas there to support you. Glad to hear it helped. Much love to ya mama!
I'm sorry you are feeling out of sorts. I'm glad my hugs made a little positive impact on you. I love you, babe.
Hey Tanya! love reading your blog, but today was sad! Hope you are feeling better! A beer will help! love gale
I hate when I get in my blue funks. Doesn't happen often, but it feels like caca when it does.
You're also lucky to have a hubby that likes when you cry to him. Most men don't know what to do with that.
Hi, thank you for stopping by at my blog. It's nice reading your posts, very real that in some ways I can realte it to my own daily ordeal.
sweet tanya.i'm so sorry you're feeling this way, hugs and kisses to you sweet angel.
There is a depression virus going around, I swear. I've been hiding in my cave too.
I love you, mama. Hey, maybe we can get an exercise playdate together for all the funky feeling mamas. I know I need it.
yes!! I need a funky playdate Christen, lets do it!!
Love you Tanya!
(Heather P from OM) I think it's a really good sign that you were able to cry. I had "major depression" for about five years, and I went about several years without crying --ever-- I just seemed incapable of it. I remember all the sudden one day I just started crying about everything. It felt out of control, but it was the beginning of feeling like a real person again. I hope things look up for you, Tanya.
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