the word 'trying' feels weird to me. so, Daryl and I have decided to stop trying to prevent a pregnancy in hopes of scoring another kid :)
with our miscarriage in the spring, i've been asked if we'd go 'public' with our plans or keep thangs to ourselves 'just in case'. well, we obviously want to share this experience with our loved ones, and i don't believe in jinxing the pregnancy. plus, if anything does go wrong, we'll need the support of family and friends.
we visited with Kiwe and Tom yesterday. they have a 6 1/2 month old Baby Mia, and our Mia was so freakin cool with her. it made me smile....and then when she asks for a baby brudder...my heart melts.
Here's to happy accidents.
Awww...I am so happy for you guys!
Have fun not preventing!
Wishing you a speedy conception! Have fun trying!!! ;)
Ditto to what they said! :) Enjoy the relaxed sex life that comes with not preventing!
Wow! Hopefully the "Magic Shave" will lead to a "magic babe"...
That's freakin' hilarious!!!
Love the Go sign. PP was my strong pregnancy after a miscarriage. Mia will be great with either Baby budder or sis. Love, Donna
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