A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled on to a site that featured Muffin Tin Monday's. The premise behind it is to make food fun for kids and to get them to try new things. I totally missed last weeks MTM, but I was all over it yesterday. We had some friends over, so I made enough for all of them. The two sweet brothers had to share...not enough space.
I labeled each of their rows with their initials.
This week I served up: yellow carrots, kiwi, colby jack cheese, avocado, cottage cheese, and peas.

before her friends even got here, Mia was into her tin cups :)

Layla wasn't too sure about it all, but thought it was a great idea
her first choice was the cottage cheese
Sadly, no one else got to participate in MTM....except Niles! *I almost forgot to add that lil Townsend was a lil disappointed he didn't get his avocado cupcake...how sweet is that?!?!*
some other fun shots of the day

Layla was feeling quite musical with the guitar

wOw! Love that site! I have a very picky eater here who is sloooowly coming out of it. This might make it exciting for him! Thanks for sharing :)
I've never seen yellow carrots! Guess I need to get out more. You have some beautiful pictures of your little one!
Great idea. Hmmmmm....maybe I can even twist this concept to help my family try new activities too.
We *heart* MTM but our isnt always on Monday! Sometimes I make us a little carpet picnic on the weekends and fill the tin!
super fun! t. loves him some miss delicious! and apparently avacado cupcakes. :)
how sweet that you labeled them... i just let my kids go at it :)
nice and healthy.. that is probably why she looked at you strange :)
What a fun idea! N has generally been a pretty good eater, but she's been picky lately - I will have to do this with her!
And yellow carrots? how cool!
Cute!! I need to check that site out! I am new to your blog - you actually came to visit me last week and I am just now getting around here... been a busy week!!! Nice to meet you!!!
How fun!! What a great idea, thanks for sharing!
Thanks for stopping by my site, I'm glad to "meet" you!
I am so uncool. How did I now know about Muffin tin Mondays? Count me in... Frick can't believe I've missed this for so long. Jennifer H
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