today, you turn FOUR years old! you're daddy and i just can't believe how lucky we are that we get you. you're smiles make our world spin. you love your hot chocolate with four marshmallows, sunny eggs, chocolate cereal bars, mac n cheese n peas...and when we're on the way to a friends birthday party, you always want to know what kind of party will it be....a cupcake or cake party :) you lovingly feed your dog, Niles every morning and evening. you're working on replacing the toy to take from your sister with an equally valued toy. you never complain about delivering dirty diapers to the trash. you still look for coins to put in your piggy 'tank'. we love how you love school and your friends. you are loving, demonstrative and incredibly empathetic. you LOVE afternoon walks around the neighborhood...and if i make a 'scabenger' hunt out of them, even better. you love to smell any and every flower you pass. you and your daddy love to kick the soccer ball around, climb trees, play board games (candyland is still your favorite) and put puzzles together....he really loves when you snuggle in his lap and watch football together. oh, one of daddy's favorite things you say is 'my daddy' in 'my daddy, can you turn me upside down...' you still spend quite a bit of time out with your Nana and Pawpaw...following Pawpaw around, caring for the animals....when your work is done, you swing or play in the sand box for as long as possible. Nana loves when you help her make dinner....a fave spot for you is sitting on top of her kitchen island tasting all the fresh stuff that comes out of their garden. whenever you see an animal or baby, the first words that uncontrollably pop out of your mouth are 'may i pet your baby/dog/cat....' i love having you in the kitchen helping me cut mushrooms & calavasita, stirring and tasting, and licking every spoon you can. darling, you never have met a stranger and can strike up a conversation with anyone....and you do! you've taught me a lot about myself, too. i'm a better person for knowing you. we love you dearly and can't wait to see what this year brings.
all of our love,
mama, daddy....and your lily

Happy Birthday, Mia! I loved looking at the photos through the year. Great post!
Happy birthday, my darling niece! We love you!
--- Auntie M, Uncle Joe, and Cousin Gwen.
Aww Happy Birthday Mia, Although I've never met you, you sound like a great little girl! Awesome pictures as always.
Oh Crap...didn't I give her the 8(yrs) and up toy....oops! Mama Mia...I always knew you were beyond your years, like an ole' soul!!! What a true angel on Earth! Happy Birthday and many more happy Days to come!
happy birthday, sweet Mia! This past year has been full of so much joy and love for you - and I'm betting the coming year will hold more of the same!
That's a lot of pictures dude. It was amazing to look through them and see how she's changed. Love you and your family. Happy belated snapper.
S-oooooooo many favorites. One that sticks out is the one in the belly dancing outfit. WAY CUTE!! Isnt it great to review the past year and see all the wonderful changes in them? Love the letter to your little Snapper....Happy Birthday Mia!!
Happy Birthday Mia. Isn't it amazing to see how much they have grwon in one year?
What amazing photos! Happy birthday to your little girl! They grow up way too fast, don't they.
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