We all (Pawpaw, Unca Joe, Auntie M, cousin Gwen, Daryl, Mia Lily and I) got together out in Dripping Springs to celebrate our favorite Nana's birthday. It was Lily's first time out there...an hour drive each way is a daunting thought when you have a newborn and preschooler...but with some planning and alignment of planets, we made it...and it was soooo worth it. Nana was beyond happy :) Pawpaw fixed up some yummy brisket, sausage and fixins. Then came the cake! To say that the girls were beyond happy would be a HUGE understatement...we all sang and they helped their Nana blow out her candles. After cake, Joe and his crew had to hit the trail, but we stayed behind for a fun afternoon in the pool. No pictures of pool fun...I was lounging, but I did manage a shot of Pawpaw and Lily getting some snuggle time in. Mia was like Dori from Finding Nemo...'just keep swimming..' She swam and swam and swam. After swimming, we were all exhausted and ready to head home, but not before Nana got her snuggle time in with her Mia and Lily :)

Happy Birthday Nana!
Happy Birthday to Nana!
What a wonderful weekend. Ya'll make my heart smile. Thanks so much!!
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