
let's go fly a kite!

Austin, Texas has a kite festival every Spring. We've never been because we've heard it's a freakin ZOO! Too many peeps, kites...diving down and almost decapitating small children, long lines...blah blah blah. Well Sharon and I co-hosted an O'Mama kite festival one morning at a local park. Mia, Lily and I got there kinda early to put together Mia's super cool ladybug kite that she got from her Nana and Pawpaw for Valentine's Day. The wind was sporadic, but it was there! The kite was UP and Mia was THRILLED. She ran round with it, was disappointed when the wind died and the kite fell, but beyond thrilled again when her kite rose up into the air. She sang a little song (included in the video after all these pics). Lily had a fun time squealing and watching her sister...and eating some grass.

When all our friends go there, it got even better. It's super cute how they all wanted to stand next to each other and fly their kites...um, kites and their string need space, but I don't think any really got tangled. Along with Mia's ladybug, flew a crazy orange octopus, butterfly, fish and some super heroes. Jenni and kids has never flown before...the looks on their faces were priceless! They went that day to go buy their own kites...LOVE that!

After flying for a while, the kids hit the playscapes and snacks. It was a super fun morning, and a perfect day for kite flying with friends.

here's the video... her song at the end is the sweetest ever!

1 comment:

shirley said...

Wonderful captures for such a fun day! We love kite flying here - it's a great activity for the kids.