

We went trick-or-treating last night for the first time as a family. It was fun. Mia was all decked out in her zebra costume, I in my bunny gear and Daryl went as a Dada. Before we left, we put a little sign on the door 'trick-or-treating, please come back later', because I'd bought oodles of candy, and I needed it gone!

with her first pop

As we were walking towards our first house, we noticed a little puppy across the road walking with his mom and dad, and all ready to go tot-ing. Well, it was Marshal, Carrie and Nathaniel! We met them last year at Isabel's first birthday party and Carrie had been to a playdate I'd hosted for the AM2006 group in early spring...at our old house in Cedar Park. They live 6 houses down from us! Well, Mia had a pal to hit the houses with. It really made it fun, walking and chatting. The kids seemed to dig each other's costumes.

Mia & Nathaniel taking a short cut

I think the cutest thing was that when the front doors would open, Mia would just walk inside like she owned the place! I think we go on many playdates and visit a lot of people so this just seemed normal to her. Cuteness! The kids walked kind of slow so we only hit about 6 houses, but that was enough. Mia's bucket was so full she could barely carry it, and got upset when either Dada or Mama offered to carry it for her.

checking out Mia's loot

Nathaniel is a BIG fan of the lollipop, so when he scored one, that's all he wanted. Well, Mia wanted to know what all the fuss was about. So, when we settled in at home. We all snuggled on the couch, watched Dancing with the Stars (how Sabrina could have been voted off, we'll never know!) and Mia enjoyed her first piece of candy. A green 'pop'.

enjoying her Dada & pop

Added the Trick or Treat snaps:

Mia's Halloween Album

Escapades caught on tape:

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